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We're There For Women

Will You Be There For Us?

Menucha is a charity dedicated to providing assistance and therapy to women and their families who are facing Perinatal Mental Health disorders. We offer our resources at no cost to those who seek our help.​ When you donate to Menucha, every penny goes directly towards funding our programmes and services. These include providing extra physical help and support for families, raising awareness about Perinatal Mental Health, and offering therapy sessions conducted by our specially trained therapists.​


We deeply appreciate your generous donations. These enable us to offer vital assistance and make a huge positive impact in the lives of women and their families.


Our work really does transform lives, but we can’t do it alone.

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Join the Menucha CommUNITY
£18 per month: CommUNITY Member
£36 per month: Ruby CommUNITY Member
£150 per month: Diamond CommUNITY Member



Provide Treatment and Support
£75 One therapy session
£240 One physical care package
£600 Two month’s therapy sessions
£1,200 Monthly case managers
£1,800 One woman's journey 


Support our Media & Publications
£250 Sponsor a Menucha Podcast 
£360 Become a Menucha Podcast Executive Producer
£500 Sponsor an edition of the Menucha Magazine


Become Menucha Patron
£10,000 Become a Menucha Patron for a year

Call our free Information Line
0300 222 5764

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©Menucha 2019

Company number 12140175 

Charity number 1188418

The information contained on this website is not intended to recommend the self-management of health problems or wellness. It is not intended to endorse or recommend any particular type of medical treatment. Should any reader have any health care related questions promptly call or consult your physician or healthcare provider. No information contained on this website should be used by any reader to disregard medical and/or health related advice or provide a basis to delay consultation with a physician or a qualified healthcare provider. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor, go to the nearest A&E, or call 999 immediately. Menucha does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, doctors, therapists, products, procedures, opinions, or other information that may be mentioned in the linked websites. 

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