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Facing The Fear

Dear Fellow Mothers,


These are difficult times for our nation. Many of us are trying to make sense of this horrific reality, going about our day with our hearts and minds elsewhere and hugging our children, just that little bit closer.


Many of us are feeling unsafe  and will be experiencing immediate, automatic and instinctive responses to fear, Fight, the feeling of wanting to stop what is going on, Flight, wanting to run away or hide or Flop, the feeling of being overwhelmed and being unable to manage. These are all normal responses and you may recognise them in yourself and in those friends and family around you. We feel little control, although we can control what we look at and allow ourselves to hear. 


Close to 180 of you joined us for our webinar ‘Facing The Fear’ on Monday night.

Based on your feedback, this is what we have heard and learnt;
• You felt validated after hearing that other Mothers are sharing the same concerns as you.
• You found learning about normal psychological responses then helped you understand your current emotions.
• You would have liked to have learnt some more practical tips for emotion regulation.


We listen, we care and we are here, look out for our free weekly 6 part mindfulness series. Sign up here to watch them live zia zoom or you can watch them on the videos below. 


Jewish women are resilient, our history proves this. We will get through this.


If you think that Menucha can offer you support during this time, please don't hesitate to contact us on 0300 222 5764 or


Facing the Fear - Webinar


In this special Menucha Webinar we discuss  invaluable insights into managing our fears and knowing how to respond to this situation.


  • Dealing With Feelings of a Loss of Safety

  • ‘Normal’ Or Needing Help? How To React to the Current Situation

  • Taking The Long View: Shifting Focus From Now to Our Future Hopes For Our Children

Facing the Fear - A Series


Week 1 of 6 


Doodle-Breathe with Sharon Schurder

A creative well-being session. Some time for yourself to just breathe, relax and doodle. All you need to bring is some paper, pencil and colouring pencils.

Facing the Fear - A Series


Week 2 of 6 


Somatic mindfulness with Elisheva Fisher

Somatic mindfulness uses the sensations in our bodies to refocus our minds

Facing the Fear - A Series


Week 3 of 6 


Taming the fear with Tsippy Kraus

Learn how to tame your fight, flight and freeze responses using breathing and grounding work

Facing the Fear - A Series


Week 4 of 6 


Tapping with Pearl Lopian

A practical tapping group to process painful and difficult emotions at this time, and reduce stress so that you can function and cope

Facing the Fear - A Series


Week 5 of 6 


Yoga with Jay Ehrlich

Learn breathing techniques, gentle stretches and beautiful visualisation to help form a toolkit that can help us feel calm and centered 

Facing the Fear - A Series


Week 6 of 6


Journaling with Chayele Kliger

Harnessing the power of journaling to achieve a positive mindset, enhancing our emotional well-being and bringing ourselves to a better place

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